Saturday, January 17, 2015

ACIM Daily Lesson Poem for Lesson 17

Please Read ACIM Lesson #17
 I see no neutral things.

Have you noticed which thoughts come first
Whenever you imagine the worst?
So when you want to eliminate fear,
Just put your mind in neutral gear.

When my mental engine is running clean,
It's fueled by God's Holy Gasoline,
And then it's God I thank,
For He fills my tank
With His Holy Might,
And His Holy Light.

Have you noticed your thoughts are good
When you receive what you think you should?
And your thoughts are usually bad
When you lose what you used to have?

The world is caused by your perception --
Of this truth there can be no rejection --
So let's give up this earthly deception,
And embrace the light of our resurrection.

From "Songs for Miracles -- ACIM Daily Poems"
© Leo Vidal, 2014, All Rights Reserved

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