Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Give to yourself

Learn this lesson of yourself:
It's best to give love
To your Self.

Your Self is love
Comes from above.
Give yourself a shove.
You've nothing to prove.
God is love.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

For Heidi Lane

For Heidi Lane

May the beauty of your soul
Make you whole,
In all parts of your being,
Even those you’re not seeing,

Where beauty lies for eternity,
And where we all learn to see
That what is real we’ll never know --
For you will steal the show,
While reality moves so slow,

And we are swimming in it,
And we are living in it,
With fish and mermaids,
Who also stayed

To admire your beauty in the evening star,
Which seems so near, but is so far:
And here will your crystal body rest,
With Master Jesus and all the rest.